FNCCI Emphasizes Unity and Data Sharing for Strengthening Private Sector

Published 2023 Jul 28 Friday

Kathmandu: The President of the Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI), Chandra Prasad Dhakal, highlighted the organization's commitment to bolstering its strength through a robust network and unity among its members.

During a recent event organized by FNCCI, he called for enhanced professional cooperation and unity, emphasizing that collective efforts are more likely to lead to success rather than individual endeavors. Dhakal urged FNCCI members to join hands and work together to reinforce their unity further.

Senior Vice-President of FNCCI, Anjan Shrestha, emphasized the importance of addressing data gaps within the private sector. He urged businesses to share their data transparently to facilitate better decision-making and collaboration among industry players.

Vice-Presidents Hemraj Dhakal and Jyotsana Shrestha echoed the sentiment of incorporating feedback from FNCCI members. They emphasized the significance of taking into account the views and suggestions put forth by various members to strengthen the organization.

In addition to FNCCI representatives, Chairman of the Nepal Land and Housing Developers' Association, Bidur Dhamala, expressed concern over the new monetary policy's failure to address the challenges faced by the country's real estate sector. The policy's inadequacies could potentially hinder the growth and development of the industry.

In conclusion, FNCCI remains committed to promoting cooperation, unity, and data sharing within the private sector. By fostering a collaborative environment and addressing data gaps, FNCCI aims to build a stronger and more resilient foundation for Nepal's business community.

